Saturday, November 28, 2009

Ive got a question for the girls????

What are your personal veiws on hair on a guy???? Just in general

Like is it a turn on is it gross is it sexy really anything

Ive got a question for the girls????

Depends. Where are we talking about?

I like men with chest and body hair. Some women don't. You are never going to please all of us, so stick with what you got

Ive got a question for the girls????

i like short or long hair that is kept clean and gives the guy a sexy look.

Ive got a question for the girls????

it's gross! before i go any further into detail, how old are u! this might be too graphic!

Ive got a question for the girls????

certian guys look good in certian hairstlyes it all depends on what you look like if your hair looks good on you

Ive got a question for the girls????

well, I thought I would not like it since all my ex's were always prettyy hairless. On the other hand my current guy has a hairy chest, and I love it! That's not to say that I go for hairy backs or anything else for that matter. But it's cool running your fingers through a hairy it keeps me warm when it's cold....

Ive got a question for the girls????

I like it long, but not like a girl long, and shaggy!

Ive got a question for the girls????

i like a guy to be totally hari free and have a nice body, however my boy has got a awesome body and he got hair on his chest and i love it just the same! its more manly if there is a bit of chest hair i think same with arms and legs, i dont want a guy that feels all girly!

Ive got a question for the girls????

I really like when the guy's hair is short..I am picky when it comes to length. I don't like when they have it so long that they need to whip it out of their eyes every minute..thats very unattractive to me. I like when its short, not buzzed, but short.

Ive got a question for the girls????

good hair for a guy is a great turn-on!

Ive got a question for the girls????

a lot of hair is gross, in the pits and on the chest and legs, i don't mind like the same amount of hair I have on my arms, or a little more, and pubs hair is cool, it's just the arms, legs and mostly chest and pits that bothers me, I feel like I'm hugging a gorilla or something, nasty

Ive got a question for the girls????

On the head good, any other part of the body, just disgusting...

Ive got a question for the girls????



Ive got a question for the girls????

too much hair like a monkey is gross

too little hair then its like little kid, and thats a turn off

enough hair for me to know that you're a guy...thats perfect.

Ive got a question for the girls????

like which part of the body? the face? the legs?

Ive got a question for the girls????

I actually do not find it either gross or sexy. For me (and most girls, though many won't admit it), looks don't really matter. That includes hair. Of course, if you are hairy, make sure you are well groomed.

Ive got a question for the girls????

Hair where?

Head: with or without is fine, if it looks good on him

Body: prefer less hair..hairy chest is okay, back hair isn't real appealing

Pubic area: prefer shaved, or at the very least closely trimmed

Legs: hairy legs are typical, no big deal

Ive got a question for the girls????

I like guys with short hair. Particularly Mohawks...If that's the "hair" that you are talking about...

Ive got a question for the girls????

ya if you don't have looks you have your hair!!

ummm all guys have diff hair style, i like it when a guy either takes a ton of time on their hair or none at all! theirs no in between!

i love long curly hair on guys!!

ummm if u r talking about body hair i hate it, i love a guy with no hair exept their head!! lol

Ive got a question for the girls????

it all depends on how the guy wears it..

guys who spend time on their hair are hott :)

assures you that he cares about his appearance.

Ive got a question for the girls????

For me, it depends on the hair. For some reason, I like brunettes best, and I also really love black hair sweeping across one eye. It is kind of a turn on for me.

Ive got a question for the girls????

girls, i dont think hes talking about hair on his head.

Hairy chests dont worry me too much, its the hairy back and shoulders

Ive got a question for the girls????

For me S M, I can't stand a guy with hair on his back, chest, nor alot on his face maybe a nice clean go-tee. I just like a clean cut man. It makes him look so D A M N SEXY. VERY LICKABLE AND IF HE LIKES BEIN CLEAN SHAVEN ON HIS TOP HEAD EVEN BETTER.

Ive got a question for the girls????

short hair is more attractive than long hair. also, brunettes are more sexier. that's just my opinion though!

Ive got a question for the girls????

i personally prefer a guy with little hair. really hairy chests, legs and arms are not attractive at ALL. i can only handle the neccesary amount. lol

Ive got a question for the girls????

Hair? Like on their head? I prefer buzzed or long.

Down there? Trim is all you need.

Ive got a question for the girls????

If a guy is hairy hey he can't help it and it would be gross to shave it depending on where it's at. I think that a man should keep his private area nice and trim, not smoth like a woman, but nice and neat. Because keep in mind would you want to go down in a jungle? neither would a girl.

Ive got a question for the girls????

i like a bit of hair on a man's chest. around his nipples and on his chest. a little on his belly. it makes a man more manly when he's got hair on his torso. not all full of hair, just a bit.

i like a goatee, a fumanshu (SP). i don't like big chops, or just a hair, long hair, buzzcut, whatever, as long as there's a brain in that head.

and if there's too much hair (in the private parts) that gets in the way when pleasuring a man, he needs to trim it.

hair on feet isn't bad either, unless he looks like an ape.

Ive got a question for the girls????

Now if you are talking chest hair. I do like some but not super hairy. Anywhere else (back, butt) ewwwwwwwwww .

Down under? I like it because otherwise it hurts some when going to town and I am not into pain LOL

If you are talking on a head of hair..............

As long as it is not oiled down or "The Slick Look" it really doesn't matter to me. I do like thicker hair though better than others. But a guy is just like a female in this aspect. Certain cuts look good and certain cuts don't.

Ive got a question for the girls????

Well, if you're talking about hair on the head: I like short, straight black hair.

Hair on body: On legs it's a turn-on, as long as you're not a chimp. Chest hair is a trun-off, facial hair is a turn-on (no beard). I think that's it.

Ive got a question for the girls????

I like thier hair to be mid lengthed and gravity defying. If you ask me it's SEXY!!!

Ive got a question for the girls????

Body hair I could do without. Not as in smooth as a baby, but I'm not looking to date someone who looks like he's sporting a fur coat. Back hair - eeewww...

Head hair I can't do without. Curly, messy, bedhead looking hair with a mind of its own gets me every freakin' time.

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