Friday, November 27, 2009

Who should I vote for?

Obama is the cutest of the candidates, but I also like Hillary's graceful femininity. Guilliani is sexy in a sort of "hey, I'm old" way. McCain has too much gray hair.

I'm so confused.

Who should I vote for?

Hillary Clinton has the experience and intellect to be a good President.

Who should I vote for?

Obama's the cutest? You are confused honey! If looks are all that matter too you, choose the GQ frontman Mitt Romney not "high yellor" Barrack.

Who should I vote for?

Giuliani if you want lower taxes, less government, and a strong defense against terrorism.

But if you are going to choose by their attractiveness and not the issues, please don't vote.

Who should I vote for?

Ha. Sadly too many people vote with the same level of knowledge as that.

Who should I vote for?

vote for me I want socialism, higher taxes to levelize the rich and the poor. steal from those that work to get ahead and give to those that just want to scrape by. every one should have the freedom to get health care, college education free housing and free cars.

Who should I vote for?

check out these links and see for yourself. they ask you a series of questions, and they say who's views most align with yours. and if i were you, i wouldn't vote on looks....just a thought...

Who should I vote for?

Ron Paul is the best canidate!

Who should I vote for?

...if we're all gonna vote for the potential President here with this type of outwardly handsome and beautiful criteria hun?...........I'm voting for you my dear.....and for most of the quite obvious reasons of course! ....LOL!!!

.......Keepin it real with you babe!

Who should I vote for?

Vote for Obama is want a racist muslim running our country

Who should I vote for?

I think that you are just looking for sarcastic answers, but if you are serious, I suggest that you show up to vote in the general elections on November 5, 2008.

Really, if your only qualification is looks, you shouldn't vote.

Who should I vote for?

OBAMA, if you would like to save America.

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