I have a 4 year old and a 4 month old. It seems like if there is NEVER enough time to fix up myself nicely any more. When it was just my son I would take 1 1/2 to get ready %26amp; I would come out looking fabulous. Now I never have time for that. My self esteem is way down. I am not ready to have that short easy to take care of hair and walk out without make up. I still want to look as I did before, trendy, young, and sexy. Any tips!! I Need Help from any beautiful sexy hot mommas out there. Stay beautiful!
How can you keep up looking great w/2 babies share your tips!?
A baby changes your life. You aren't always going to have time for yourself. To let your self esteem drop because you don't have time to keep yourself looking beautiful and sexy is a bit ridiculous. It you really have to be sexy and beautiful, I would suggest getting up before the kids are up and start fixing yourself up.
Time and nature have a way of changing us. We need to move on and accept those changes.
I try to look the best that I can and when I know I look my best, that is good enough for me. WHo cares what other people thing and as long as I look sexy to my husband, that is all I care about.
How can you keep up looking great w/2 babies share your tips!?
simple, simple, simple is my motto! I DID cut my hair right after my daughter and I HATED it. Now 14 months later I have my long hair again (finley) I just wash it and go...long and strate. If I have a little extra time I will roll my longish bangs with hot rollers for some body. My makeup is always on, but its SIMPLE, no foundation, its messy and time consuming to avoid the "mask" not to mention I always wound up with make up (foundation) on the babys cloths. I just put one color of eye shadow on (usually brown/tan) and brown eye liner on top and bottom (brown is less harsh them black and smuges just look "smokey" not runny and weird) some mascerra (non smudge) and lip gloss. I look put together and nice but I only take 15 min. to get ready. (from rolling out of bed to walking out the door) this is my day to day routene, for special nights with my husband I Glam up more.
How can you keep up looking great w/2 babies share your tips!?
I get up atleast an hour before my son does...he is on more of a schedule and i try waking him up about the same time everyday...i only take like 45 min to get ready anyways but he takes up a good portion of my time in the morning..i get his bottle ready and then go do some more things to myself before he finishes then burp him and lay him back down and play some while i finish up and then i have about 30 min left to get him ready for the day before we have to leave
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