Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I need some advice about me: answer as if I were your best friend!?

I am dating a woman whom I met at work. She is very sexy (42 years old, a size 4, has a body like a 25 year old - truly amazing!! - and he sex is excellent) but she has very short hair by choice: she cuts it that way because she dislikes the beauty parlor process. She has stated that she loves me but I am not satisfied by her appearance I guess because I like women with longer hair. I have hinted that she should let it grow and she has done so but not enough. In addition, she likes to argue about the most insignificant things. It drives me crazy at times! I told her that I don't think that we should waste time arguing because it winds up going off on a tangent and the end argument often has no relationship to the original argument. She has never been married and I am recently divorced. She is a religious person and she is loyal and honest. My question is, if you were my best friend, would you advise me to end the relationship or work on it?

I need some advice about me: answer as if I were your best friend!?

Sounds like the best thing you have going for each other is the sex. It doesn't sound like you have much of a relationship if all you do is argue about pointless things. For right now, keep doing the things that make you happy with her and forget about improving her looks to your satisfaction. Either you both will end up coming around, or you'll realize you don't have enough vested with each to continue on if you meet somebody else.

I need some advice about me: answer as if I were your best friend!?

End the relationship and find a new job. Never, ever, EVER date someone you work with again unless you WANT to get fired. If you're in the states, once you dump this shrew she will accuse you of sexual harrassment and you will be lucky ever to work again.

You've GOT to get out of this relationship, and you'd better polish up your resume.

I need some advice about me: answer as if I were your best friend!?

Dude, are you kidding? Hold on to this one for dear life.

Let's review: You're in a tizzy about the length of her hair and yet you fail to see the irony in your complaining about her liking to argue about the most insignificant things? If the length of her hair is a dealbreaker for you, what are you going to do in ten years when that perfect body starts to go?

If she's loyal, honest, and hot, then arguing about insignificant things and short hair should not be a problem. Tension occurs in all relationships, people just get annoyed with each other for some reason, and as long as the arguments don't get heated or hurtful, they can be good for a relationship. It's far better than a silent relationship where the tension builds up until it explodes. Besideswhich, a little tension keeps a relationship interesting. It makes for great make-up sex and can even be a form of foreplay. Just repeat the following to yourself when she starts off on a tangent: "She's so cute when she's like this." Keep saying it till you believe it and you'll be together till you die.

I need some advice about me: answer as if I were your best friend!?

I would say try and work it outl...You found her attractive enough to start dating her with short hair and sleep with her with short hair so it sounds like maybe her hair isn't that big of a deal...however the arguments of little things would get on my nerves, that could lead to you not wanting to spend time with her. I would just talk to her and find out what sets her off to want to argue all the time...good luck to you.

I need some advice about me: answer as if I were your best friend!?

work on it... n that thing with her hair, u should not give a crap bout it, if u really love her that includes loving her for how she likes to look and her flaws... no one is perfect... deal with it.

I need some advice about me: answer as if I were your best friend!?

I would advise you to sit down and talk about it. Lay everything out on the table, so that ya'll both know how each other feels. Try coming to an agreement that fits both of your wants and needs, and from there try to work on it. Give it some time, and if you just can't make it work then you may consider ending it.

I need some advice about me: answer as if I were your best friend!?

i think u need to tell her how u are feeling. if u really, truly like her and she reciprocates then both of u should try working on the relationship. if u don't see a future with her, then my friend, it is time for u to move on.

I need some advice about me: answer as if I were your best friend!?

It doesn't mater what she LOOKS like its what her personality is.

I need some advice about me: answer as if I were your best friend!?

Your problem with her hair is just that, your problem. You cannot control people and get away with it. Is that why you are recently divorced. She seems like a very nice person with good morals. Try focusing on her as a person and not something you can put on display for all to see. You might just see that things will go smother in your relationship with her.

I need some advice about me: answer as if I were your best friend!?

I would advise you to quit complaining about how she prefers to look. Her personality and preferences are part of the package. Accept her for who she is or move on. As to arguments, some people like to argue and some don't. But it sounds to me as though you are saying she shouldn't argue with you, she should just defer to whatever you say. Again, personality is part of the package. In fact, it is the main part. If you want someone who will change her appearance to suit you and will simply defer to you without challenge, go find some dimwitted bimbo and leave this woman alone.

I need some advice about me: answer as if I were your best friend!?

you should keep going and see where it goes - you shouldn't be bothered by someone's appearance if you love their personality. and maybe it isn't the argueing she's intersted in, maybe she likes discussions. how about you think about things she might like to have a lengthy discussion about and talk to her about those? then maybe you can avoid "arguements".

I need some advice about me: answer as if I were your best friend!?

Are you in love, or in lust? If your in lust, "then get the hell out". If your in love, "then work on it".

I need some advice about me: answer as if I were your best friend!?

break it off..if you're that hung up on her hair.focus on the operative words HER HAIR,oh my goodness..you are 42 going on 2.you're carrying to much baggage to the table!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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